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Hi, I’m Ed: Digital health and behavioral nerd & CEO of Peerfit.

Available for speaking engagements, podcasts, networking, and sweaty high-fives.
Let’s connect.

In The Press

Where you’ve seen and heard me…

aSweatLife FITT WHOA GNV Shift Shapers

AHIP, MINDBODY Bold, Disrupt HR, Benefits Forum and Expo, Synapse Summit, Guidewell, Startup Tampa Bay, HIMSS, Code on the Beach, Florida Blue + Healthbox

This is Peerfit.

We are a fully remote company. Once a year in December, we gather at our “headquarters” in Tampa, Florida for our yearly All Hands. We celebrate the year ending, look back at our successes (and our missteps) and look forward to the year ahead. 150 Peerfitters. One company. Our community.

Follow my journey.